Leiden University Career Zone

Science Career Service offers advice on questions about career orientation, internships, job application skills, doubts about your study programme or choosing your master degree.
Career advisors Science Career Service
Science Career Service staff
- Eva Rovan
What does Science Career Service offer?
- Workshops & Events (online and on campus)
- Individual guidance (on location/online/by telephone)
- Review of your CV, cover letter or LinkedIn profile
- Open consultation hour by telephone on Thursdays
Science Career Service's support
As a student of the Science faculty, you are welcome to join workshops offered by Science Career Services, such as:
- CV & Cover Letter
- Job Interview
- Prepare Yourself for the Bio Science Park Excursion
- Prepare Yourself for the Bètabanenmarkt
- Career College: Working in Research
- Career College: Working in Education
- Career College: Working as a Data Scientist
- Career College: Working as a Consultant
You also have access to workshops provided by the central Career Services, and the Career Services of other faculties.
Click here for the Workshops & Events calendar.
- For written feedback on your CV, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile, send an email and attached (Word) document, or the link to your LinkedIn profile, to career@science.leidenuniv.nl. Please include “CV/cover letter/LinkedIn review” in the subject.
- Note that this written feedback will be based on the information you have provided in your CV or letter.
- If you would like to find out which other experiences and skills you could potentially include to your documents, please schedule a meeting with a Career Advisor.
On Thursdays between 12:30 – 13:30 hrs., you can reach us by phone (+31 (0)71 527 1867) for short questions, e.g. about your CV, motivation letter, LinkedIn, or job application.
You can book your appointment (30 minutes) with one of the Career Advisors via the online calendar. The calendar shows available timeslots in the coming 4 weeks. You can choose between an appointment on campus, or a conversation online/by telephone. If you do not have a preference, consider having look at both appointment types to see more available time slots.
In the meeting with the Career advisor you can discuss matters such as:
- Planning and preparing for your future career (e.g. side jobs, internships, extracurricular activities)
- Doubts about your current study programme
- Choosing your Master degree programme
- Your personal profile (what do you know, what are you good at, what do you want?)
- Researching which jobs and employers could be a good match for you
- Building your professional network
- Where to find information about jobs and potential employers
- Discussing your results of career, competency and personality tests
- Reviewing your CV or cover letter
- Improving your LinkedIn profile
- Preparing for and practicing job interviews
We can be reached best by email: career@science.leidenuniv.nl
Location (by appointment only)
CE0.11 (Gorlaeus gebouw)
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Other relevant resources and events