Leiden University Career Zone
Do’s & Don’ts
Be aware of the pitfalls you may encounter when choosing your study programme. Carefully read the do's and don'ts below.
- Start exploring the possibilities in time.
- Investigate with an open mind. Don't immediately rule out options without investigating them.
- Be aware that the perfect programme does not exist: all study programmes have components that may be less interesting.
- If you need to find an alternative programme, for instance if you are not admitted to your programme of choice, make sure that the alternative is just as attractive and interesting.
- Be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses.
- Choose based on you personal interests: your motivation for and interest in your chosen course or profession are important success factors in your future career.
- Take a break from studying if you really can't take the decision in time. Taking a year off from studying and travelling and/or working instead can provide you with a lot of self-knowledge and also increase your study motivation.
- Push your limits. If it turns out that the study programme that matches your interests best is only offered at a university on the other side of the country, it might be worth taking the plunge.
- Break from traditions. It seems the easiest choice to stay within the established (family) paths. 'My grandfather and mother are doctors too' is a commonly heard motivation. Remember that every person is different and that your own interests should be leading.
- Deciding too quickly or delaying taking a decision for too long.
- Taking things for granted, for example: I am doing pre-university training, so I have to go to university / I'll choose a university close by, that's easier.
- Searching for the perfect study programme. It doesn't exist.
- Choosing by ruling out study programmes instead of choosing for a particular programme. Removing programmes from your short list can work well, but don't choose the last programme remaining just because that one is left over.
- Focusing on just one study programme, without considering the options.
- Not taking your own strengts and weaknesses into consideration.
- Turn your hobby into your profession: you might lose your hobby as something you do to unwind and relax.
- Taking a break from studying as a means of procrastination, when taking a decision is difficult for you.
- Staying within the beaten family path without taking your own interests, abilities and motives into consideration.