Leiden University Career Zone

For employers
Do you want to make contact with potential talent at an early stage of their career? Career Services can help you can get in touch with students and young alumni of Leiden University.
This offers you a lot of advantages. A contribution to your (employer) branding, up-to-date knowledge, a fresh and critical view on matters and binding potential new employers for now and in the future. Which forms of collaboration are possible?
Internship/starters jobs/part-time jobs/volunteer work
If you want to draw attention to the opportunities for students and starters, you can make use of the Leiden University Job Portal for free. Easily fill in the form to post a vacancy. Do you have any questions in response to this, please contact the central Career Services department via careerservices@sea.leidenuniv.nl or a specific faculty Career Service. You can also contact us if you have any questions about issues as organisation and procedures.
Interested in the possibility of attracting an international student (internship, part-time work, gradtuate job) and curious about rules and regulations? Please check out the information via business.gov.
Promotion of your career event
You can share your career event with our students via our free career event calendar! Easily fill in the form to post an event and the rest will come automatically. If you have other questions or requests, please get in touch with the central Career Services via careerservices@sea.leidenuniv.nl or a faculty Career Service.
Events & workshops in cooperation with the university
Would you like your company or organisation to contribute to an existing or new event at your organisation or at the university, such as a company visit, job fair or a workshop for our students? Through this form, you can indicate your wishes and if we see possibilities to further shape the cooperation, we will contact you.
If you have other questions or requests, please get in touch with the central Career Services via careerservices@sea.leidenuniv.nl or a faculty Career Service or study association. On our website for alumni you will find more information about (and for) our alumni (e.g. the Mentor Network).
If you have other questions with regards to collaboration with Leiden University, please check more information: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/collaboration/partnering-with-us .