Leiden University Career Zone

Career test
What kind of work and work environment suits you?
- The question 'What career best fits my personality'is central in this test?
- The results will give you more insight in suitable career choices.
- Compare yourself to the labour force.
- Includes a list of occupations that fit your career personality.
- This career test takes about 15 minutes.
This career test gives you insight into your career personality. Based on a characterization of your personality in terms of Holland Code personality types, you will learn what kind of work environments and occupations suit you best. The different personality types are: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional.
Choose a career that matches your preferences and you will increase your chances of being successful.
Note: At the end of the test, you will be asked to fill in some data (for research purposes). You can skip this if you prefer not to fill it in. You will still get the results of the test.
You can also download the reports (pdf).
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Would you like to discuss your test results? Make an appointment at your faculty's Career Service: