Leiden University Career Zone

Know yourself
Looking for a matching job? Make sure you know yourself!
When looking for a job that suits you, it’s important to know the following about yourself:
- What are your best qualities?
- What are you good at?
- What do you enjoy doing?
- What do you find important in life and in your future career?
Personal profile
This self-analysis is important in order to develop your personal profile. Every person has their own unique profile and it is important to discover this for yourself. If you know who you are, what you can do and what you want (characteristics, competencies, interests, values etc), then you will be more able to define what suits you best and this will help you to give direction and make decisions.
Describe your test results in your Personal profile document:
Taking tests allows you to analyse yourself and create a sort of ‘self-portrait’, your personal profile.
In the LU Career Zone you can find a number of professional tests (123test), which produce extensive reports that allow you to map out your personal profile. Would you like to discuss the test? Then make an appointment for a career interview at the Career Service.
Login and reports
For these tests you need to log in with your ULCN account. This way you can save the test results.
At the end of the test, you will be asked to fill in some data (for research purposes). You can skip this if you prefer not to fill it in. You will still get the results of the test.
Test completed? You can find your test results in My account. Of course you can also save the reports (pdf) on your own computer.
More tests
Besides the tests above the Career Service offers more career tests.
discuss testresults

Would you like to discuss your test results? Make an appointment at your faculty's Career Service: