Leiden University Career Zone
Programme: Visual Ethnography
Useful links
Here below you can find useful links to relevant organisations, part-time job opportunities and information on voluntary work.
Relevant organisations
- Net impact (network organisation on sustainability)
- KNAW Research Institutes
- Academic Transfer
- Studying for a PhD
- Research projects
- Consultancy.eu
- Council of Management Consultancy Firms
- Association of Public Relations Counselling Firms
- Cineblend
- Media overview
- Central Bureau on Fundraising
- Government.nl
- House of Representatives
Voluntary work
- Volunteering Leiden (Incluzio)
- Volunteer The Hague
- Commundo
Mentor Network
Vacancy websites
LinkedIn ENG
LinkedIn is an online professional platform. Useful for orientation, to network and to search and apply for jobs!
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