Leiden University Career Zone

Opleiding: Education and Child Studies
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Education and Child Studies
The master programme Education and Child Studies and the research master have several specialisations.
The Education and Child Studies master's programme offers the following specialisations:
- Applied Neuroscience in Human Development
- Parenting and Child Development
- Digital Media in Human Development
- Educational Science
- Forensische gezinspedagogiek (NL)
- Kinderen met Leer- en Gedragsproblemen in het Onderwijs (NL)
- Learning Problems and Impairments
- Leerproblemen (NL)
- Orthopedagogiek (NL)
And a research master:
Go to the specialisation for more information on potential job positions and employers and for useful links.
You will find more information about the master programme Education and Child Studies and career prospects on the Mastersite.