Leiden University Career Zone

Here you will find a list of positions that alumni hold after graduation and employers they work for.
This list offers examples of where Leiden University alumni are working. You will find further information about alumni on LinkedIn and the Alumni Mentor network.
(Outpatient) Supervisor
Addictions counsellor
Assistant Psychologist
Associate Psychologist-Psychotherapist
Company Psychologist
Supervisor Refugee Shelter
Neighbourhood Mediator
Cliënt Supporter
Diagnostic practioner
Behavioural Expert
Family Coach
Family Worker
Group Leader
Indication Authority
Investigative Psychologist
Youth Care Employee
Youth Coach
Speech Therapist
Social Work Officer
(Clinical) Psychologist
Pedagogical counsellor
Work Placement Trainer
Prevention Expert
Psychodiagnostic Therapist
Social Rehabilitation Officer
Social Pedagogical Health Care Professional
Supervisor Clinical Team
Sheltered Housing Supervisor
Health Care Assistent
Prodeba; Impegno; Inzowijs; AED; Humanitas DMH; Gemiva SVG Groep; Centrum voor Dienstverlening; Stichting Philadelphia Zorg; 's Heeren Loo Zorggroep; PGB; Parnassia Groep; De Haardstee; Leger des Heils
Organization Against Drugs
Counseling Amsterdam; Health Service Executive (HSE)
Eginitio Hospital
Bouman GGZ; Yes We Can Clinics; Impegno; ABA Huis
Buurtbemiddeling Rotterdam
Zebra Welzijn
Bloemendal Addiction Treatment; GSR
Brijder Verslavingszorg
Gemeente Katwijk; Middin
Centrum Jeugd & Gezin
Gemina-SVG Groep; 's Heeren Loo Zorggroep; Amsta; b4kids
Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg (CIZ)
Impegno; Brijder Verslavingszorg
Politie Nederland
Lijn5 LVB- & Jeugdzorg
Zadkine; De Opvoedpoli
GGD Hollands Midden; Logopedie Groene Hart
VluchtenlingenWerk Oost Nederland
FortaGroep; Indigo; Van Rhoon Psychologen; Huisartsen Midden Holland; Psycho Informa Groep; Huisartsenpraktijk Oostzaan; Huisartsenpraktijk Westeinde; Gezondheidscentrum Vondellaan; Stichting Just Care; Het Doktershuis
PsyQ; HSK Groep; ParnassiaGroep; FortaGroep; GGZ Delftland; Impegno; Indigo; Palier; Bouman GGZ; Brijder Verslavingszorg; Caredate; GGZ Rivierduinen; Silver Psychologie; Ministerie van Defensie; De Viersprong; Eleos; Kinder-& Jeugdcentrum PEP Junior; KSK Psychologenpraktijk
Dikke Deur; CompaNanny Nederland B.V.; Yulius; Kinderopvang Mundo
Saffier De Residentiegroep
Indigo Context
Psychologenpraktijk Bos en Lommer; Karl-Jaspers-Klinik; Institut für Psychologische Psychotherapie und Beratung Berlin e.V.; Behandlungszenrum für Folteropfer; Jüdisches Krankenhaus Berlin
Leger des Heils; Palier
Triversum; De Jutters; Centrum '45; GGZ Centraal
GGZ Delftland
The Salvation Army; Parnassia Groep; Stumass; Kwintes
Marente Zorg; Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis; Frankelandgroep
(GGZ) Consultant Adolescent and Family Team
(Junior) Consultant
(Junior) HR / Recruitment Consultant
Junior Advisor
Managing Consultant
Project Consultant
Reintegration Consultant
Senior Advisor
Talent Acquisition Consultant
WMO Consultant
WMO Advisor
MEE Zuid-Holland Noord (Centraal Bureau); Gemeente Haarlemmermeer; Integrale Zorggroep Eerstelijn Rijnmond IZER
Profource; Pro 10 B.V.; USG Engineering; Elevate Consulting Group; PMT Groep B.V.
MCA Engineering Nederland; Octagon Professionals; Randstad
Simac Techniek NV
Nationale Nederlanden
Gemeente Alphen aan den Rijn
Openbaar Ministerie
Philips Nederland B.V.
Gemeente Krimpenerwaard; ROGplus NWN; Gemeente Delft; Gemeente Den Haag
Factum Advies; Gemeente Rotterdam
Research Officer
Research Assistant
Data Analyst
PhD Candidate
(Junior) Behavioural Scientist
(Junior) Researcher
Junior Scientist Innovator
Market Researcher
Parnassia Groep; Universiteit Leiden
Universiteit Leiden; LUMC; GGZ Ingeest; Hogeschool Utrecht; Yulius; University of Tampere; Alzheimer Research Center (ARC); Ghent University; Centre for Human Drug Research; VU Medisch Centrum (VUMC)
GGZ Delftland
GGZ Delftland; Universiteit Leiden; Erasmus Medisch Centrum; University of Oxford; KU Leuven; TU Eindhoven; University of Copenhagen; TU Delft; Australian Institute of Sport (AIS); LUMC
ABC Gezinsbegeleiding; Forensisch centrum Teylingereind
King's College London; Universiteit Tilburg; Universiteit Twente; VU Medisch Centrum (VUMC); iMinds; Erasmus Medisch Centrum; Universiteit van Amsterdam; Erasmus Medisch Centrum; Papageorgiou General Hospital
GDCC (Global Data Collection Company)
Account Specialist Municipality Amsterdam
Human Resources Officer
Client Manager
Managing Director
HRM and Recruitment Officer
Client Contact Center Officer
Online Recruiter
Payroll Specialist
Staff advisor
Study- and Career Counselor
Talent Acquisition Agent / HR
Randstad Groep Nederland
WWF The Hague
Gemeente Amsterdam
HIJSA Behavioral change consultancy
Sogeti Nederland BV
Manpower Uitzendorganisatie
HP Nederland
Verhoeks & Provily
Project Management
Project Assistant
Project Manager
Project Leader
Project Officer
Project Supporter
Zorginstituut Nederland
Gemeente Alphen aan den Rijn
Stichting Kennisnet Ict op School
(Workgroup) Teacher
Student Counselor
Academic Teacher
Adjunct Teacher
Frontoffice Studenten Affairs Officer
Universiteit Leiden; Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Lentiz onderwijsgroep; Hogeschool Rotterdam; Hogeschool van Amsterdam; Hogeschool Leiden; HBO Drechsteden; AthenaStudies; RINO groep
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Webster University
Universiteit Leiden
Admissions coordinator
Chairman University Council
Process Management Officer (Department of Credit Risk Management)
International Account Manager
International Assistance Coordinator
Program Manager
Policy Officer
Bureau Jeugdzorg Leiden
Booking.com; Humanitas; Stichting Hilverzorg; Lyceo; Gitp
Leiden University
Rabobank Nederland
ECR Research
Eurocross Assistance
AEGON; Action Contre La Faim
Gemeente Krimpenerwaard
Agent customer contact centre
Editor and author
Communication advisor / Desk coordinator
Manager Corporate Communications
Social Media Consultant
Social Media Manager
Gemeente Amsterdam
LOI; Gatestone Institute
Crimescape Books
Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij
Dr. Reddy's Research and Development BV
Surlinio Social Media
(Clinical) Psychologist
Mental Health Counselor
Freelance Consultant
Scientific Researcher
Assistant Psychologist
Freelance trainer
Freelance coach
Freelance psychologist
Inspirational speaker
PCI work
Yoga & Coaching
Psyche & Pregnancy
Probation Officer
Rapporteur Pro Justitia
Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie