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Leiden University Career Zone

LU Career Zone Develop your skills

Project-based working

A project is an activity aimed at achieving a specific result within a set timeframe and with limited resources (for example the deployment of people, use of materials and available budget). To carry out a project successfully you must set accurate and achievable goals and effectively plan and organise the tasks to be performed to achieve these goals.

The skill of Project-Based Working enables you to work effectively and efficiently on both individual and collaborative goals.

Behavioural indicators:

  • Can divide goals into smaller elements, making it possible to set priorities in activities and planning.
  • Creates priorities by classifying issues into matters of major and lesser importance.
  • Considers carefully how to tackle an issue systematically before taking action.
  • Realistically estimates the time and activities needed to achieve a goal.
  • Anticipates unexpected events by allowing time for them in the schedule.
  • Facilitates open and timely discussion of unachieved or disappointing results.
  • Makes efficient use of the time and resources available.
  • Achieves results on schedule.
LU Career Zone Skills

Skills in prospectus

See for each course in the prospectus what transferable skills you develop.


LU Career Zone Skills

Online course / MOOCs:

Project Management

LU Career Zone Skills

Planning & organizing work flow:
