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Leiden University Career Zone

LU Career Zone Develop your skills

Digital skills

Digital skills within Leiden University's study programmes means being able to use and understand digital resources, databases and algorithms as applied in academic disciplines. It can involve digital means of generating knowledge as well as sharing and merging knowledge. By digital skills, the university does not mean basic skills such as the use of e-mail and internet, as these are skills you should have already mastered before you started your studies.

Digital skills are a prerequisite for full participation in today's society in which digital communication, data and networking are essential.

Behavioural indicators:

  • Can find, select, process and evaluate digital sources.
  • Can evaluate, select, query and use digital databases.
  • Produces high-quality content using digital technology and methods; can publish and share this content.
  • Uses relevant digital sources and databases to answer questions.
  • Uses digital methods, applications and networks to develop relationships and to exchange and combine knowledge.
LU Career Zone Skills

Digital literacy and why it is important:


LU Career Zone Skills

Skills in prospectus

See for each course in the prospectus what transferable skills you develop.
