Leiden University Career Zone

Analysing is the systematic ‘dissection’ of a situation or problem. By distinguishing various relevant elements and identifying the relationships between those elements you can create a deeper understanding of the situation or problem.
The skill of Analysing enables you to identify the causes of situations or problems, discover connections and devise solutions.
Behavioural indicators:
- Divides information into items of major and lesser importance.
- Analyses an issue or problematic situation to get to the core of the matter.
- Examines a problem from different viewpoints to see whether it is the actual problem.
- Describes the internal relationship between different elements of a problem or issue.
- Asks specific questions in order to uncover the possible causes of a complex problem or issue.
- Gives a clear assessment of what the implications of a particular choice will be.
Skills in prospectus

Skills in prospectus
See for each course in the prospectus what transferable skills you develop.