Leiden University Career Zone

Independent learning
Independent learning means directing your own processes of absorbing and applying new knowledge and information. Learning is the core of all education and means the absorption and processing of knowledge and information. It may require different strategies or methods depending on the assignment or topic in question. An important part of independent learning is the ability to recognise the required way of learning in specific contexts.
The skill of Independent Learning is not only relevant during your studies. It will also remain essential throughout your career as your work and life circumstances continue to change.
Behavioural indicators:
- Shows eagerness to seek, expand and deepen knowledge and experience.
- Takes the initiative to seek and ask for additional information.
- Takes initiatives in own work.
- Examines good ideas or methods to see why they work.
- Shows learning from previous errors, successes and points identified in feedback.
- Integrates newly acquired knowledge and experiences into own approach.
- Tests and evaluates own way of working in order to learn from this.
- Takes action in order to create an opportunity or prevent future problems.
Skills in prospectus

Skills in prospectus
See for each course in the prospectus what transferable skills you develop.