Leiden University Career Zone

Presenting means conveying ideas and information clearly to an audience using appropriate supporting materials and platforms, whilst taking the target audience into account. This encompasses the content and structure of the story, the supporting materials used, and the style and enthusiasm of the speaker.
The skill of Presenting can help you convince people of your plans and engage them in activities.
Behavioural indicators:
- Briefly lists the essential points of a complicated matter.
- Gives attention to the form, individual elements and structure of a communicated message.
- Aligns the content of the presentation closely to the target group’s expectations.
- Puts forward relevant arguments at precisely the right time.
- During presentations, makes contact with the audience by inviting people to ask questions and give responses.
- Discusses and addresses any questions or doubts in the audience.
- Varies the presentational approach.
- Uses attractive language and examples so that others listen attentively.
- Puts forward own narrative, proposal or perspective with enthusiasm.
Skills in prospectus

Skills in prospectus
See for each course in the prospectus what transferable skills you develop.